Saturday, October 3, 2009

No Worries Mate

Aussie really do talk like that and they also say "too easy" quite a bit .They are very friendly and helpful . Traveling is much easier when there is no ( okay only a small) language barrier.

We went four wheeling all day yesterday and that was really something .Pitching up and down single tracks roads made out of sand and racing along beaches at 80 km an hour while other vehicles come at you at the same speed and there are not a lot of rules for driving the beach so it is a bit of the wild west !!! Queensland is the Texas of Aus and the city folk grumble they can't even get them to agree to go on daylight savings .

We toured Brisbane by the city fast cats yesterday , what a great way to see a very beautiful city . The river winds all through the city and the city has done amazing job of incorporating the river into the city with river walks and pedestrian bridges . really a great model for other cities .

Went to Mike and Jan's for dinner last night , superb !!!! great to catch up with Mike and meet his family and see their beautiful home. Hope they come to Canada to visit us some day .

We are now in Port Douglas our 3rd city in 5 days and we head out to the reef tomorrow at 8 am .The drive up was very windy and we were passed by the local Porsche club and two Ferraris ,I know Cole will like that , one of the Porsche was driven by a dead ringer for David Suski !

We have a prepaid cell and the number is 043 868 9591 country code would be 61.

Weather has been great very warm and sunny close to 30 degrees most days.

On the 6th we will do a jungle tour


  1. hi guys...looks like you're having fun, Cole wants to drive on that beach..mb we'll try it with the Murano on Gyro Beach!!
    did u read our posts? if so, please respond..
    played bridge with Sally and had an awesome time! good boards and bad..
    Cole went to ortho, then after school did a 4km run in Mystic Vale with all those stairs..he's groaning tonight..did his hw already, now we're relaxing.
    Wondering what the time diff. is?? Cole thinks you're 20 hours ahead -- I'll go with 22.
    thanks for the great pictures..look forward to the next batch...
    over and out from up/over XXOO

  2. Looks like a blast!! wish I was travelling with you. Enjoy the weather and good luck when the competitions begin!!

